Due to the minimum order size on GasparsSausage.com,
if you would like to order less than the minimum order size of 5 packages of
meats, please visit Gaspars internet partner FamousFoods.com or contact us at
1-866-646-4266 (M-F 8:30am-5pm EST)
Special blend of spices for making "carne no espeto", Madeira style. A mixture
of coarse Portuguese sea salt, uniformly cut bay leaf, black pepper and other
spices used to season meat. Portuguese version of Shish Kebab or meat on a
stick. Ingredients: salt, black pepper, garlic, red crushed pepper,
cracked bay leaves
Please Read Shipping Terms and Conditions Before Ordering.
Shipping Terms and Conditions:
Gaspar's Marinated Meat Spice Mix are special ordered and shipped on Tuesday.
Please order by Monday, 8AM EST for shipping on Tuesday